Just finished 2 comics books this morning and still have another 5 more to go...haha! This got to be my new addiction: Comics. It all started when I went to the library 3 weeks ago and borrowed my first comic book about parenting. It was so funny that even Mich and Gil liked it. So last night, I borrowed another 7 more books.... I especially love the Baby Blues series......... kept laughing the whole night till this morning. I think all moms should get copies of them to de-stress....... sometimes, it's good to laugh at yourself......... you will definitely feel a 100 times better cos you realised that every parents go thru' the same crap as you!
Remember the video of Gil teaching Jo how to say "mama"....... I thot I was the only one with this problem....guess what? The mom in the book has exactly the same problem....she just can't get her girl to say "mama".....the girl kept saying "papa"............... so much like my dear son....hee!
By afternoon, my whole mind was filled with silly and cold jokes...........I came up with lots of crappy stuff and here's some:
1) Who had the best gynae and worst gynae by her side when she gave birth?
Ans: Eve...... God being the best and Adam being the worst!
2) If Eve's milk supply starts to dwindle, what can she give her a baby besides breast milk?
Ans: Cow's milk....... but what if the baby is allegic to it???
Ans: Don't worry...... she can choose from Lion, Tiger, Elephant, Monkey.....etc...... etc brands....... just latch the baby on........haha!.
3) Why I admired Eve? Because:
* she doesn't have in-laws to irritate her on what's right and wrong to do,
* she doesn't have nosey friends trying to show her what they know about baby,
* Adam will believe that she knows best as there are no one that he can compare with......hee!
* there are no other babies to compete with,
* she has the world to herself....no one will tell her that she is out of touch,
* Nobody will tell her that she is fat....not even Adam...... cos he doesn't even know what's "fat"!
* she can give her child any name and no one will make fun of it,
* she have God as her gynae and PD....100% safe,
* she doesn't have to worry about her Hb straying even when she doesn't have the mood for sex..........haha! ( then again....... you never know....some people just have exotic taste.......you know what I mean......haha....... die......I am polluting some pure minds here...... hey, come on..... she started to give birth after men has fallen...... so I am not surprised if Adam did something ridiculous!).
* her house can be as untidy as she likes........ there's no one to tell her that!
ok, ok, that's enough....... I can just rattle on you know!!!
Honestly, I wonder how Adam & Eve survive parenthood!!! They have none of what we have today....... like TV....what if their kids refuse to eat.......hmm........oh..... they have a real purple dino to entertain them..........how about steriliser for bottles..... wait a minute...... do they use bottle in the first place........... Diapers?...... maybe they use leaves but what if the baby kena rash..........oh I remember.......they have all the animals' skin to try........how about blender for purees.............. the hippos and elephants will do an excellent job in that!
Many people say such comics are trashy but I feel that you need some kind of intelligence to understand what they are implying......... hello...do you get it? I was trying to say that I am smart......hahahaha!
I think I am going crazy......... if I am a stand-up comedian.....sure kena throw tomatoes and banana skins with all this silly and cold jokes......... it's time I give myself a break from the comics.........that's why I am blogging now! It's time to take my dose of humour.....bye!