I had my hair re-bonded for the 9th time........... gorgeous hor? Finally the irritating curls are gone......... yeah......... wish those stubborn fats will disappear too............... haiz....... Btw, Rachel is back for hols.....we brought her for Wee Nam Kee Chicken Rice on Sunday. Then Novena for donuts.......yummy! Hmmm.......... she is also back with a ........nothing.....may not be true........ but them again, like I always say, when it comes to the matters of the heart, I always believe cos I rather lose face than lose a friend!

I watched Dead Poet's Society on Sat with Gil at my place........ actually seen it twice when I was in school but never really understood it until now. It was so inspiring and made me think of someone in my Creative Writing Class. Yup, Gil........ Carpe Diem!

This week was quite eventful with so many things happening around me but so little time to blog!

Was surfing the web and found this on I search for a topic on Public Confession and this came up:

Your Bible question was: The question is, when people come before the church to confess their faults, do they need to say just what kind of sin or fault they did, or can they say, "Brothers and sister I have sinned" which is sufficient because it seems that in today's society the people who go to church now would find it disgraceful to say specifically what they have done so now all that I hear is the sorta traditional way, and that is, "Brother and sisters I have sinned". If you can answer that I'd really appreciate it.Thank you and God bless you.

One of the primary passages appealed to approve the practice of public confession of sin is James 5:16: "Confess your trespasses to one another,and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."

It is right to seek such prayers, and to use the assembly of the saints for such confession is equally proper. We might more appropriately describe this act as the public confession of public sin. The amount of publicity we give to confessing sin depends upon how public the sin was. Let me explain from the scriptures what I mean.

In Matthew 18:15, one brother sins against another brother. Here is private, personal sin occurring. What is the remedy? To begin with, a private, one on one meeting. Go privately to the person who sinned against you, point out his sin to him, and urge him to repent. Confession of sin is implied in the phrase, "If he hear you, you have gained your brother."Nothing was ever made public about this sin, because there was no public knowledge of it. Only when the sinner refuses to confess his sin and repent of it is the sin made public. And even then, that publicity occurs gradually, until finally (in the absence of repentance) the whole church is made aware of it.

Now, let's suppose that instead of the sinner being persuaded to repent by the one-on-one meeting, two or three must be brought into the situation, but again the sinner refuses to repent (Matt. 18:16). Finally, the church is told about the sin and it tries to persuade the man to repent (Matt. 18:17).Now, suppose he comes to his senses and repents of his sins. Now, how public ought his confess be? The Bible answer is, just as public as is the knowledge of his sin. When there was only private knowledge of the sin (v.15), the sinner confessed to the person against whom he had sinned. If he had repented when 2-3 others got involved, that would be the extent of the needed confession (v. 16). If common knowledge of one's sin exists, then a public confession of that sin is in order (v. 17).

There is nothing in the NT that says one must publicly confess private sin, much less specifically name that private sin. Now, if that sin is publicly known, then to specify it during public confession is simply a matter of good communication. Everyone, because they have knowledge of the sin, needs to be informed of the confession so that they know that the sin has been repudiated.

So, the purpose for the public confession of sins is at least two-fold:

1) To obtain the prayers of the righteous on one's behalf (Jas. 5:16; cf.Acts 8:24).

2) To make knowledge of one's repentance as public as was the knowledge of one's sin.

We should remember that when we repent of sin, we confess our sin to God, since all sin is against Him (1 Jno. 1:9).

If one desires the prayers of the brethren concerning sin which they have committed, there is nothing wrong with a generic description of the sin.Wisdom should be used in declaring the sin - not so much because it might seem "disgraceful" to tell exactly what the sin was, but to spare the sinner unnecessary hardship over a sin he is now repudiating. I have been told of occasions when one came forward confessing the sin of adultery when the spouse was not aware of it, but was also in the audience. To publicly announce the specific sin under those circumstances would not at all be wise, nor demanded from the word of God.

So, generally, it is a good rule of scripture to say that sin should be specifically confessed to the extent that knowledge of the sin exists.I hope this helps as you consider this Bible topic.

Sincerely yours,

Joe Price


I totally agree with Joe Price that some sins need not be made public as long as the person has repented and make right with the people whom he has sinned against. It's unnecessary to announce them to people who knew nothing about it. We need to exercise wisdom as Joe mentioned so that the person feels supported and not hurt or humiliated.

So how about accountability, you might ask? Hmm....... that's depends on how you define it. If everything needs accountability, we will be very busy attending lots of confession meetings ........ we sin almost everyday whether you like it or not!

This reminded me of Jesus talking to a Samaritan woman at the well. Jesus must be the most radical and gentlemanly person in the world......he chose a quiet time when he's alone to meet this lady who had committed adultery with 5 men ....... the story ended with the woman telling everyone about Jesus ........eventually, they believed in the Him. I don't see any public confession here except a willing confession of a woman convicted by the what Jesus had said.

Maybe, you might say, "She's a Samaritan!".......fine.....ok, how about Peter who had denied Jesus 3 times................. I would have considered that "public sin".......but Jesus never once asked him to confess to anyone or account to anybody (I don't see the Pharisees and Sadducee around!) . All he did was to restore him with the same question 3 times. Peter made right with Jesus and that's enough.

Personally, I do believe in accountability, but only to the right people. We need to seek the person's consent too. He has to feel comfortable to share the matter with the others who do not know about the whole incident. His feelings need to be respected even if he's a young person.

I know what I write here will cause some discomfort to some but my stand is clear........... Public confession is for those who refuse to repent even when the matter is found out and accountability is important but only to the right people with the permission of the offender. Honestly, I think there are lots of confessions out there that need to be made......he has confessed his...... how about yours?

Alright, enough of serious stuff.....let's switch to something lighter and fun ........ like.............. hmm............... FOOD & CAM WHORING......yeah......

This is major cam-whoring..........with Jo, Dear & Mich on Fiona's laptop...... Jo took most of them with the clever ya.......I am the vainest cos I am in almost all of the 61 pics..........hahahahaha....what to do, I love myself.......hee.............

We celebrated Qiang's Birthday on Monday at Dian Xiao Er. This was my 2nd visit . I didn't like my first visit cos I felt that the food was yucky except the duck BUT this 2nd visit changed my opinion......... the food was soooooooooooooooo good............ yummy, yummy, yummy.............. we had:

1) Shark fins' Soup: This was unexpectedly creamy and fishy taste but generous strands of the chewy fins. Together with the vinegar and pepper, this is the perfect combination for me and everyone else on the table. 8/10

2) Ee Fu Mee: Simple and delicious. My aunt & Jo's fave. 8/10

3) Roasted Herbal Duck : This is their signature dish. Needless to say, the duck was roasted to perfection and the herbal gravy was superb. Although I am not a duck lover, I thot this was really good. 8/10

4) Mongolian Spare Ribs: The spare ribs were rather meaty so they were not for those who liked their ribs more on the fatty side. The sauce was ok...... peppery and salty. Not any one's fave. 6/10

5) Stir Fried Broccoli with Scallops: They were very generous with the broccoli but not the scallops......... haha.....I am greedy. 7/10

6) Cereal Prawns: The prawns were covered in a mountain of crispy cereal............ I love this dish the most...... actually this is only my 2nd fave dish........... and yup, the prawns were fresh and big! 9/10

7) Deep Fried Codfish with Garlic in Soy Sauce: This is my favourite dish. The fish were fried to perfection and the deep fried garlic went very well with it. One word: EXCELLENT. 10/10

8) Stewed Fatty Pork: I don't usually enjoy fatty pork but one bite into the tender and well marinated meat, I am converted! Of course, I still couldn't swallow the fatty part. The meat were so soft that it nearly melted in my mouth. Love it. 9/10

9) Stewed Abalone, Mushroom, Sea Cucumber and Lettuce: This dish was ok.......... I love the mushrooms tho'........yum! 7/10

10) Ginseng with Xue Ge aka frog's sperm....haha: I don't like ginseng so I only took a spoonful and gave the rest to my dad. No rating.

My sis bought a super sweet brownie from Mrs Fields. Simply too sweet for me.......... you can get diabetes from eating them!

Overall the service was good and the company was great. Too bad, dear Tommy didn't have the "KOUFU" to eat them cos he was at a meeting. But thoughtful Aunty Liao "ta pao" the roasted duck and fatty pork for him.

Before I end this post, I would like to present you a masterpiece done by my dear Prince Joash. We thot it look like a fish........... so artistic ya.........hee......... yeah..... I love my son.

posted by "Sum" Teacher at 11/29/2007 01:13:00 PM | 0 comments |

We had dinner (9 pm) at Ajisen yesterday after seeing a homeopath for my ezcema. We were the last few customers.........nothing much to blog about their food....... been there many times and still going back for their Pai Ku Ramen.......... I couldn't taste or smell anything cos my nose was extremely blocked! See pics for my food.

Yup, both Jo & I were down with a flu. I had a bad throat and a stuffy, sneezy nose. And last Saturday, I still had to prepare my kids for concert. Jo had fever today and a bad runny nose for the the past few days....... Gil & Mich thot he looked pitiful with mucus running down his nose....and yes, he licked them up too! Even tho' he wasn't well, he could still make up new "stunts" to entertain us and himself.....see his blog for more! My dear boy had been waking up 3 to 4 times a night for the past few days and we had to sleep with him (on the floor) till he fell didn't help that I am down with a flu and Tom had to leave early for work this week! Just hoping he will sleep thru' the tonight so that at least I can have a proper sleep.....I know, I know.....I should be sleeping now but I just couldn't........... heard a very bad news 5 mins ago ......................... I am now worried and shocked................ whenever I don't call, something like that happen.......... and oh........... Sunday was my BF's birthday............ terrible me.......... missed it again.... HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! My nose and ears are so stucked with mucus......... I need a plumber!

Recently I have been hearing some controversies revolving these 2 subjects. Here are some personal thots and stuff I have found (I know I am threading on dangerous grounds......... woo):

I did Pilates before I had Joash cos I wanted to bring my blood pressure down so that I could have a smoother pregnancy . I enjoyed this sport very much but it was real, real tiring and tedious.......... so much muscle control............ as a result, I slimmed down too..... weighed only 47.5kg you see the vast difference in weight compare to now.......sad! Btw, I did it with a group of christians and a personal instructor in a church..........haha........personally, I have never regarded it as anything occult and I actually went to search for an answer before embarking into it. As usual, there were 2 school of thots regarding such issues so I found a website called "WATCHMAN FELLOWSHIP" and their mission was so I thot it's quite reliable since they were almost as old as me....hee! These were their investigations and the results of their researches concerning Pilates and I couldn't agree more......... I felt that we needed to be educated on such things so that we would not presume that it's occultic just because someone said it was! For your info, Pilates is used in ballet for muscle control and proper body posture......... those who learn ballet ....... may need deliverance...........sorry for being so sarcastic.......... I just couldn't help it......forgive me. But like what they wrote, we need to exercise discernment before joining any Pilates to watch out for things like meditation, strange usage of words....etc..........In my case, my instructress has never once used any spiritual words or any forms of meditations........ we were just told to control our muscles and stretch....... nothing else. I am waiting to go back for more when I have $$$....... I need my unlimited supply..........I can see Gil & Mich smiling when I mentioned the $$$........

On Homeopathy, I get so irritated whenever people said that it's cultish......... hey, the person practising it may not be christian just like our bosses and doctors are not me, it's alright to take their medications......... there isn't any form of hynotism or strange mind controlliing method......... just sweet lumps of pills to suck on.......... I found a someone who agreed with me . I came across this alternative treament method from a friend who was also a God-fearing lady....... anyway....... she got the help she needed from Homeopathy and saved a lot from unnecessary medical fees. For your info (again), do you know the root word (Greek) for "Pharmacist"...... it's "sorcerer" ...... don't believe me....... try "googling" for it! So are we saying that we dare to take medicine from a pharmacist, a sinseh but not from a homeopath.....hmmmmmmm.................... think twice before you see a doctor, you may need to collect your medicine from a "sorcerer".....being sarcastic again........ hate myself....haha! Btw, Pharmacists, I have nothing against you, I love you to bits for helping me (you know who you are!) thru' one of my most difficult times. I merely wanted to point out that we should not just believe or say something without checking first.

To sum it up, I like what A.R. Bernard (top 10 preachers in the US) preached. He taught on the Spiritual Discipines (PRAY, READING OF BIBLE & BIBLE STUDY, FASTING, THANKSGIVING, SOLITUDE, REPENTANCE, FORGIVENESS) and reminded us that we needed to be commited , fed on and nurtured by these 7 pillars in this dominant culture. He mentioned that we could learn their arts, sciences and even took on their names (like Daniel!) but we must have the above pillars in our lives so that we would be protected, empowered and to go out and MAD in every area of the societies! A big AMEN......... ya........must get back to those pillars!

*DISCLAIMER: I am not trying to create a riot neither am I establishing some theological truths nor new doctrines here. I am merely stating what I felt and found. I stand corrected if I am really wrong but you have to convinced me first. So pls read this post with a pinch of salt and don't quote me. Thank you!
posted by "Sum" Teacher at 11/23/2007 12:41:00 AM | 0 comments |


On Wednesday, we celebrated my aunty's birthday at Bugis. My sis and mom were there with us. Tom & I bought her a special stone choker. We could tell she liked it....... phew...... my aunt had very high taste! Dinner was at V8 Cafe........ my mom and sis kept saying that the food was cheap and good....... but we totally disagreed............. we didn't even take any pics of them.........even Joash couldn't finish his fave pasta!

After dinner, we went shopping. My mom wanted to buy a watch for me (actually it's a belated BD present!). She kept insisting that I should get the coated in crystal kind of watches...... but pls la....... it's so aunty............... in the end, I chose 2 cheap watches. I thot they look more like my type...... do you think so (see above pics)?

My aunty wanted to buy us dessert so we went around searching for a nice cafe........ and yes....... we chance upon a lovely Japanese cafe/restaurant............... I was drawn to the words "HOKKAIDO MILK BASED ICE-CREAM"............. I love those jap ice-cream........... you have to try it to understand what I am saying.......... woooooooooooo........... This restaurant sold all sorts of Japanese goodies....... from shabu shabu to mega bento set to beautiful desserts............ btw, it's MOF (Ministry of Food....wonder if they are affiliated to MOS!). Tom's mobile cam didn't do justice to the lovely looking food and well-furnished interior. I wished I brought my camera........will take nicer pics next month when we celebrate my mom's bd........ yup, my aunt loved the place so much that she sign up to be their member immediately! There were lots of "ohs" and "ahs" as we savour the yummy Hokkaido ice-cream and mochi............ heavenly........... I rated them 10/10 for the desserts! We also realised that lots of celebraties patronised this Jap place too cos there were a large collage of them at the entrance. The price was reasonable too. Can't wait to try their main meals!


My craving for Japanese food didn't stop on Wednesday....... I was longing for more........ so when Mich came over to our place, we asked if we could drive her car to JB for Jap food....... of course she replied, "yes!" cos she could get her petrol top up! So off we go (Gil was with us too!).

I been wanting to try the Jap food at Kinsahi ever since I bought their Chawan Mushi for Joash........... I took a few spoonfuls and was surprised that they actually tasted good........ I gave up on JB's Jap food after eating at one the restaurants there. Anyway, the food was pretty decent. I like the curry most.......... the side dishes were also yummy..... we had egg salad with wasabi mayo, baby octopus, chawan mushi and agadeshi tofu......... I like the tofu most, folllowed by the very well seasoned baby octopus.....but the supposedly famous ramen was not as fantastic as they claimed........ think I preferred Ajisen's better. I also ordered a super sweet grape juice that tasted like Fanta grape without the gas......haha! But I don't mind going back for more...... cos I like their service plus they have high chair! And yeah......we saw Fann Wong's pic on their notice board........ so this must be quite a good place.

Before I end this post, here's a pic of us at East Coast 2 weeks ago when we celebrated my dad's BD at Jumbo:

And oh........ a rare video taken in cell....... Gary doing a chicken dance for forfeit.....haha...........

posted by "Sum" Teacher at 11/16/2007 11:55:00 AM | 0 comments |
Picture this, you and me
Walking down a white sand beach
We’re holding hands, the warm wind blow
We’re all alone

All these dreams are fantasies
They’re not real, not reality
And now I cry over you, nearly die over you
And all the bits and pieces of us that I try to find

Are only paintings in my mind
Faded memories of another place and time
We were happy as can be
You were loving me
And now it’s just an image that I find
Like the paintings in my mind

When you left, I fell apart
I was torn, you broke my heart
And now I cry over you, nearly die over you
And all the bits and pieces of us that I try to find

Impressions of the way it was
Long ago, somewhere back in time

Paintings In My Mind

* Note: Those who have seen the original post....... you will noticed that I have edited it cos I don't want my friend to read it alone at home in one around to comfort her....... Really hope she can move on in life.....
posted by "Sum" Teacher at 11/13/2007 11:54:00 PM | 0 comments |


I think I am becoming a pig........ cos been pigging out a lot............. that's why my blog resembles a food blog now.........haiz............ why are there so many good food around? Gluttony is a sin.......

Anyway, we had the highly recommended western food at Botak Jones (AMK) for dinner on Monday. I was especially excited cos I heard so much about it! And we just found out that they had opened another branch in Woodlands.............somebody stop me please!!!!!!!!!!!! Gil, Kei, Von. Les & us were rather satisfied with our meals and below was the verdict together with the description on BJ's menu:

1) Fish & Chips - BJ says, "This is the most popular item on the whole menu. Like almost everything else on the menu, we make it ourselves. this is premium pacific dory (not the cheap cream one). We season the fish then bread it with japanese bread crumbs. It is always fresh because we try to make only enough to sell in one day."

I say, "This was indeed the most popular item. almost every table had at least a plate of this premium pacific deep fried dory fish...haha! We asked for extra fries with cheese for the 2 plates of Fish & chips that we ordered. We had to pay $2 for the cheese but the extra fries were free. We also ordered a Sauteed Shitake mushroom side dish........... I liked them alot altho' the portion is a little too tiny for the 4 of us..... von hates mushrooms so she's not counted! The cheese fries wasn't as good as we imagined cos it tasted too soggy and chewy when the fries cooled down....... should just stick to the spicy fries! The fish were fresh and crispy....... it's the ladies' fave 8/10."

2) Cajun Chicken - BJ says, " This is the second most popular item. After you get over the shock that chicken breast can be tender and juicy when cooked properly, you realized that it also absorbs flavor, which the leg and thigh do not. These are char-grilled with mozarella cheese and topped with our spicy cajun sauce."

I say, "BJ is right to say it it the second best cos not every table has this...... hee! Even though the chicken breast was tender and juicy, my die-hard fan of thighs and legs hubby (sound so wrong......keke..............) still didn't like it...... what to are hard to please! But all of us thinks it good altho' it none of our fave. We love the spicy fries more than the chicken........ aw........... it's just so shiok! Will order more of these fries the next time! Chicken 7/10 Fries 9/10."

3) Giant Pork Italian Sausage - BJ says, "Whilst looking for a new and exciting large alternative to the tiny bratwurst we had offered, we stumbled onto andre and ryan huber. They make these monsters and they are so go-o-o-od!"

I say, " Whilst looking at the menu for a new and exciting alternative to the tiny bratwurst we had tried, we stumbled onto the word "GIANT". This monster was scary & spicy but it was so go-0-0-od 8/10!"

4) Australian Ribeye Steak - BJ says,"In an attempt to raise the stakes (a little pun), we have upgraded to a better quality Australian beef. We trim the whole ribeyes, hand marinate and tenderize them (without chemicals), then cut them in 200gm, 300gm and 400 gm portions. These are fresh, fun and flavorful. These come with our own brown black pepper gravy."

I say, "I don't really like beef but still managed to gobbled down a tiny piece. Not much comments except that it's tender and bloody. The guy's fave...... I think they just love blood and gore........puke......... Tom rated it 7/10."

Since it is at a coffee shop, don't expect high chairs or comfortable environment. I had to carry Joash and eat with one arm. We also left the place smelling like grilled beef. BUT........... I will definitely go back again....maybe in Woodlands instead!

Yesterday, we went JB to celebrate la..... we were there to eat, shop and top up Mich's petrol. We bought some deep fried stuff (the mushrooms were juicy and crispy and I loved the fish thingy too!) outside Holiday Plaza before heading to Lavendar Cafe for lunch. Our meal was simple and enjoyable plus cheap! Not going to comment much cos it just normal food altho' we thot the baked rice was one of the best we had ever tried. After lunch, we went shopping at City Square. We bought some make-up and t-shirts from our fave Christian store..... Gil is their regular customer.... everytime we are there, she will buy at least one shirt from them....I think she has more than 10 of their shirts! Tea break was at Secret Recipe. We always "ta bao" their cakes home. But this time their service was so bad that we refused to pay for service charges. We reached Singapore about 7.30 pm and went back to slack plus dinner.

Updates and some thots:
1) My brows are gone........ ok...... I mean some parts of it............ you will not be seeing my pics until they grow back....... in the meantime....... I am relying heavily on eyebrow pencil......... sad..............

2) I am so pissed today.........grrrrrrr............... one of my cell members was very sick and was coughing away............. he even told us that he took 2 courses of antibiotics but still couldn't recover............. why didn't he tell us earlier??????? Don't mistaken me..... I love him but not his virus............. I just hope nothing will happen to anyone of us................ think I will not be going to cell at his place until next month............. YES, I AM SUPER PARANOID!

3) Friendships with no strings attached...... is it possible????? I believe we have expectations of our friends........... I think the good ones like being caring, considerate, honest.....etc.........are impt. Sometimes, you can be misunderstood when you're too close to someone................... others think you have an ulterior motive for being friends...............maybe it's jealousy, maybe it's just plain "busybodyness"....whatever it is....... it is digusting to me................ sigh............

4) If you can have one wish, what will that be? (not allow to wish for more wishes!). Mich & Gil wished for a man that they can be with for the rest of their lives. Tom & I wished for unlimited supply of $$$$$$$$$.................... haha................. want to know why? Ask us.

5) I love Facebook. Managed to hook up with some of my classmates from secondary school and we're planning a reunion soon............. can't wait!

6) I am officially on leave from Children's Ministry till June.......... have been asking them to release me from Leadership position cos I felt redundant............anyway.......not successful......... so have to pray and seek for directions again.............

7) Bought Joash some toys....go see his blog for pics and vids.

8) Missing some friends................ wondering how is she? Wondering where is he? Thinking of those good times...............

9) I feel like Japanese........ I mean the food....Kuishinbo................ yum yum........ ok...... will take a break from food......... till Christmas............

10) Life is too short to live alone without someone to call my own............. love is in the air.......... hope the air's not polluted! Relationships............. who's mature and who's not................... give it a thot. Do what you know is right........... then again......... the heart is deceitful beyond all things...................

Feeling sleepy now......... think my next post will be on my "exs" with their pics and my ugly nerdy pics too ......... hee.......... have been wanting to write something about relationships but just too lazy to type out my thots........... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz................
posted by "Sum" Teacher at 11/10/2007 12:00:00 AM | 0 comments |

I wanted to update earlier but this week had been real busy and tired. Anyway, the above pics are from last Sunday. We had the famous Adam Rd Prawn Mee with Gillian. Although I had it many times, I don't seem to get sick of it. The noodles are just right in texture (al dente!) and it's a perfect match with the super spicy sambal chilli. The prawns were juicy & sweet. The ribs were ok....maybe I am not much of a rib eater...haha..... probably, I was made from a rib......hahaha....just being lame here! But the best part got to be the soup.................... It's a cocktail of fresh prawns "juices" and sweet pork bones broth.......... heavenly............. I feel like having a bowl of it now.........hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.............................

After dinner, we went to Island Creamery for ice-cream. That was my 2nd time there. Lucky for us, there weren't many people. We had a relaxed and enjoyable time just chatting and playing with Joash. You can see more of his pics at IC on his blog.


Yup, all the pics (except from the toes onwards) were taken by a 3 year old girl. I must say she's real good at it! And she managed to captured all my right angles...haha!

We were at Holiday Plaza (JB) on Wednesday to help Mich top up her petrol and also to look out for some pira..........oh......... just something for Daph........... hee hee....... dinner was at KFC....Tommy was whispering , "cheap cheap cheap" throughout our meal! Gil & I had a pedicures. Love the feeling of having beautiful toe nails. There was a raid that day at the shopping centre so the place was rather quiet. I think we might be going in again on Thurday!


We had a happy but shocking news on Saturday. I think by now, most people would have know....... yes, SIMON & E-VON are an item now! Told them I will make an annoucement on my blog .......haha....... and they gladly pose for a pic for me.....what an interesting couple! Tom & I were very happy for them. Found out from Facebook that another of my long time friend (17 years!) is attached might be getting maried soon..............Looking at them reminded me of my dating days............... SWEET!

This evening, we celebrated my dad's BD at Jumbo Seafood Centre. I had not been there for years and it had really changed so much! I almost couldn't recognised the place. The restaurant had also grown much larger and now, they even have air-con...... ok......... I know I sounded like a country pumpkin........ hey, I stayed in Woodlands......... East Coast is too far for us........... JB is nearer....... we can have yummy seafood there at a much lower prices! My dad ordered 10 dishes for 8 of us................ thank God, I wore tights! Gil was at East Coast too. She wanted to cycle but the rental shop was closed for biz. So she had dinner at BK and walked around the park. Poor girl, she had to wait for us. Btw, my parents were so jealous that Joash loved her more than they....hee..... ok here's my ratings for the food:

1) Deep Fried Tofu with Broccoli and Shimeiji Mushrooms - The crispy tofu goes well with the thick mushroom sauce and broccoli. My favouritte part of the dish got to be the shimeiji mushrooms..........I know mushrooms don't melt in the mouth but these really did! Ok...........maybe I was exaggerating a little here ...... but you need only to chew a little and voila......... it's gone in less than 10 secs! HAHAHA....... 7/10

2) Stir Fried Spinach with Dried Shrimps and Garlic - Everyone loves this dish. This was my first time trying spinach cooked in a different way from the usual ikan bilis and garlic. I will not get sick of eating this vege dish....think will order this again the next time! 9/10

3) Mee Goreng - Just Mee Goreng....... nothing to rave about...... except that I thot it was a little too sweet for my liking. 5/10

4) Prawns with Salted Duck Egg Yolk Sauce - I had this prawn dish at Crystal Jade. I felt that Jumbo had a better version. When my bro & I saw this dish, we were rather skeptical cos we thot that there were parsley in it (we hate them!). But after much poking and tasting, we concluded that it was actually capsicum....phew! As some of you know by now, I love prawns! And this dish was fantastic. The sauce was creamy and tasty......... but those who doesn't enjoy salty food might not like it..... anyway....... out of the 10 pieces, I gobbled 3 of it down........ I know I am greedy........ 8/10

5) Chilli Crabs - Not as spicy as chilli crabs should be! Nothing special at all....... but the gravy was good enough for my Man tous. I had 2 (the legs...I prefer legs than pincers.....haha!) of this dish only. There were left overs and my dad had to finished then up. 6/10

6) Black Pepper Crabs - It was spicy but not "hot" enough to attact my attention........ I had only one little leg. 5/10

7) Fish in special Sambal Sauce - The fish was rather crispy and fresh. The spicy gravy is good too. But I don't think it's something I would order again. Just not my fave. 6/10

8) Crispy Noodles with Shredded Chicken Mushrooms - Joash loved this noodles. He ate 2 tiny bowls of it. I think it was simple and nice too. Maybe I enjoy eating "Sung Mee" but by the time this dish was served, I was already quite full. So can't really give a very honest comment of it. I might rate it higher If there was more space in my tummy. 7/10

9) Scallops in Mini Yam Rings - I liked the yam rings more than the tiny scallops (they cut the scallops into halves!). Another common but creative idea to make it into smaller rings so that it would not be so "je lat". 8/10

10) Deep Fried Baby Squids - This is one dish that I love most when I was a kid. I like the crispy and sweet taste. It's so appetising. BUT........... why must they served it last!!!!!!! In the end, I could only accomodate a few pieces into my stomach. So can't tell if it's really good ......grrrrrrrrrrr........... 7/10

We were given a complimentary fruit platter for dessert. The service were alright but I felt that the food came a little too slow and the order of serving seems rather strange...... how can they serve squids last......... it should be the noodles or maybe the crabs.......... overall, I still prefer "No Frills Crabs" Restaurant. Their crabs are really good!

Ok, I've got to go to bed's 2 plus....and my eyes are closing....nite!

posted by "Sum" Teacher at 11/05/2007 12:38:00 AM | 0 comments |
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