My dear friend Huiling had just delivered her little girl Faith on Thursday night. We visited her last evening and managed to take some pics of the lovely baby and family. It was like dejavu for me especially when I carried the sweet little baby in my arms........... at that moment, I felt like having a baby again (feel like only!). Her delivery was so smooth....... 5hrs and all natural (no epidural!)............*envy*............ and this is her 1st pregnancy! But she vowed that it would the first and the last......... haha......... and she will never ask anyone if they want to have a 2nd one. This experience is something that all men will never understand! Have you ever wonder why all moms even when they are just met can always have something common to chat about? All they have to do is to talk about their pregnancy and delivery.......... and the conversations will start rolling in and sometimes even new friendships. Huiling, welcome to Motherhood, go read my earlier post when I first became a mom.....and have a good laugh! Congrats to Terence & Huiling on the birth of their little bundle of joy! Btw, I am going to have another chance to carry a baby boy next week..........yeah and it's in the same hospital as mine and the same gynea too....... Mimi, I just can't wait to "lay my hands" on your little darling! I love babies!!!!!!!I watched "Evan Almighty" a few days ago. It was a meaningful and simple movie about Noah's Ark with a little twist. But it did brought up some thots and feelings in me.Firstly, I was reminded of those times when my church was into community penetration and "Showing God's love in a Practical Way - with no strings attached" projects. We showed God's love thru' Acts of Kindness like going to different blocks to clean up their windows, offering our cleaning services to coffee shops around Yishun and giving free tuition to a group of neighbourhood kids . We were even featured in the Straits Times when we had a "Free Car Wash For Taxis"............. those were the days! So when "God" in the show explained that the word "ARK" means "ACTS OF RANDOM KINDNESS", I was immediately brought back to those great times we had in church.......... honestly, I miss those times....sigh.......But that's not the part that really spoke to me............ it was the part when "God" encouraged "Noah's wife" with these words, "If you asked God for patience, He gives you an opportunity to be patient, when you ask God for love, He gives you an opportunity to love and when you ask God to bring your family closer, he gives you an opportunity to bring your family closer.........etc".
Those words served as a reminder for me. I remembered the times when I often asked God to help me to know him more and He did opened up those opportunities for me ...... like when Barn was in ICU, I was taught to rejoice in times of pain and God was all the time beside me. On one occasion,when I was told that Barn was in a critical condition, I felt all alone cos Tom had to work......... I sat down on the stairs near the ICU and started to pray silently and God comforted me with His Words "Rejoice, and again I say rejoice", I wondered why at first but I finally realised that having a thankful heart is easier than having a a heavy heart..... I actually started to sing softly the words of an old hymn that I learnt in school, "Real joy is mine, no matter if tear drops fall, I found the secret is Jesus in my heart". I left the hospital that day knowing that God knows what's best for me. And there was another time, when everything was going fine and well, God reminded me to bless others. I obeyed and did what He wanted me to do....... at that moment, I felt the heartbeat of my loving Father.......... He gave that's why we give............ and that drew me closer to Him again. But these days, I hardly have the time to turn my Bible especially with my new job and Joash......... I am almost always too tired to do anything except to use the computer and sleep (basically I just want to stone!!!!!!). I pray that God will give me the opportunity to hear His loving voice again.Here's something less solemn, I've got my full results for the Diploma course I took.......... yup, showing off again........kekeke......... Phonics: Distinction (proud, proud, proud, cos I work really hard for this module!)
Speech & Drama: A (rather surprise cos I thot the theory was tough!)
Creative Writing: Distinction
(Quite surprise too....haha........ the theory paper was super long...... write till I nearly fell asleep halfway!)
Yes, I can finally say "goodbye" to exams for now.......... yeah yeah!Btw, you can also see Kenneth's masterpiece in the pics......... Barney the purple dinosaur.....
it's Jo's fave character! Thanks Ken!Alright, I have to go to bed now.......... my sickening eczema is back and I am itching all over........... the new "Freederm" cream that I bought from the US doesn't seem to help.......... grrrrr................ *scratch scratch*......... ok ok, goodnite and God bless!
posted by "Sum" Teacher at 9/02/2007 12:14:00 AM