Last Sunday was a star-studded service for City Harvest Church.
See: under Vision Weekend 2007 (Kong Hee).
You will find Compere/Actress Belinda Lee in the video announcement. Towards the end, Singer Sun Ho will make an appearance on stage. The greatest surprise for me was when Director JACK NEO....yes..... LIANG ZHI QIANG........ went for ministry during altar call......... yup...... he raised his hands (front row) singing the song "Saviour King" with the rest of the congregation! Of course, the camera was filming his wife and him on purpose I guess....who wouldn't! WOW....... God is good!
The sermon was fantastic too. It's about their church vision and building fund. Don't be frightened off by the constant encouragements by Ps. Kong to give cos it is their "Arise & Build" season...... they will be having a new church building right in the heart of Shenton Way............ yup..... as they always the marketplace and for the marketplace. I must say that I am really impressed and inspired by their passion and zeal in fulfilling the vision God has given them. Tho' there are many controversial issues revolving this church, they "survived" against all odds. To me, it's the "good tree bears good fruit and bad tree bears bad fruit theory". This church has been growing (22,000 people) and there are many salvations every week. If these are not evidence of them producing good fruit, I don't know what else can prove it??
I like their P&W, sermons and almost everything! Sad to say, I attend their service online more than my own church cos my church service starts at 9 am and Jo wakes up at about that time........... hate to wake him up early cos he can be one grouchy baby if he doesn't have enough sleep!
Anyway, go watch this star-studded event....oops.........I mean service...and hope you enjoy it as much as I do!