My dear Niece Rebecca tagged me to answer these questions. So here goes.....
1) Do you have secrets?
2) Would you fall love with a boy younger than you?
Yes, I am deeply in love with my son...haha!
3)Do you enjoy going to school?
Hmm..... yup but minus the exams and tests!
4)What is your current dream job?
Dream job??? A job that allows me to do what I like with dream pay! Honestly, I prefer no job with dream pay....yes, $$$$$$$ drop from the sky will be good!
5) Will you fall in love with your best friend?
Depends on what type of love you're talking about.... my BF is a female and I am not heterosexual!
6)Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
I have answered this question so many times. Of course loving and being loved by someone is the best but if I have to choose, that would be, being loved by someone! I am that ego...keke..... too tiring to love someone who doesn't love you! I believe in "I loved because He first love me!".
7)Will you forgive the person who will play around with your feelings?
I won't allow myself to be played around. Trust me, once I notice that I am being "played around", I will plot a "little revenge" as a punishment for him and turn the table around....muahahahahahah.... I am capable of that! After that I will forgive and forget him forever and ever......
8) If the person you like knows that you like him/her, what would be your reactions if he/she says "yes"?
That would be "HALLELUJAH!" But exactly what did he say "yes" to?????
9)Is there anything that made you extremely happy?
Many things.... I get happy easily!
10) What takes you down the fastest?
Aeroplane????? Escalators, my legs????? Haha... ok, i know what you mean....hmm.... when someone I love is sick or dead.
11)How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
Using a mirror?? Hee, I am getting more and more corny. Alright, the answer would be older!
12) Who is currently the most important people to you?
My hb and son.
13) What is/are the most important thing(s) in life?
a) My salvation
b) My family
c) Heath
d) Wealth
14)Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
Single and rich and in great health! Married but poor is a quite scary esp if you have kids!
15)What's you favourite colour?
16) Would you give your all in a relationship?
Not married = not all, once married = no choice but all!
17)If you fall in love with 2 persons simultaneously, who would you pick?
The one who loves me too. If both love me, I will pick the richer one.
18)Will you confess to the person you like or love?
19) Tagged 5 persons whom you think should do this quiz.
Troublesome..... Just do this if you want to after reading.