2 CENTS WORTH OF ADVICES? THKS BUT NO THKS!I am venting my frustrations about some well-meaning people who gave me some 2 cents worth of advices about going to church and parenting. As everyone would say in their blogs, if you thinks it is you, it is you!
2 cents worth of advice No. 1: You should not let your baby dictate your schedule.I chose to let him dictate it cos it makes life easier for him & me. Do you expect me to wake him up when he's sleeping? Do you like it when someone do that to you? As adults, we can control our emotions better. But babies, depending on temperaments do not like to be interrupted especially when they are sleeping. They can get very grouchy and you will become grouchier than him! I prefer to arrange my activities around his feeding and sleeping time. When he is happy, I am happy. One of my parenting philosophy is "Treat your baby with respect". He is also a human, not a thing!. Please respect my parenting values & styles.
2 cents worth of advice NO. 2: You should let your baby sleep in a noisy environment so that he can get used to it.How many of us enjoy sleeping in a noisy place? Next time, when you are sleeping, I blast the radio right beside you and see if you can sleep well! Babies needs to have a good sleep in order to grow well developmentally. And not all babies can be trained depending on their temperaments. I like my son to sleep in a quiet environment. I even hang up the phone when he is asleep. Good sleeping habits are essential for both babies and adults.
2 cents worth of advice NO. 3: You should expose your baby to virus & germs cos he will be stronger.This is the one I hate most, totally nonsense! Why don't you go and stay in CDC and get all the virus & diseases you need so that you will be super strong! Do you know babies suffer badly when they are sick? Cos they can't eat, they can't sleep and cries badly! Even when they are better, they need about a month for their bodies to fully recover. My PD (pediatrician) always tell me to be careful when bringing Joash out especially to crowded place. So whose advice should I take, yours or my PD?
2 cents worth of advice No. 4: You have to attend church for feeding of the word and fellowship plus, you need to let your baby get used to it. You must trust God for help! Have more faith.What I am going to say is going to make some people nervous! Who says I don't get feeding from the word, for your info, I attend CHC online service for feeding and worship (btw, worship is a lifestyle, not just singing). And I am refreshed, recharged and totally inspired by Rev. Kong Hee's sermons. The worship is fantastic too! Plus I can watch it anytime I want. I know fellowship is important. I got many christian friends. I chat with them and sometimes go out with them too! Yes, I know corporate worship is important. But my baby is not going to remain a baby forever, when he is ready, I will bring him to church with me! Who says I don't trust God for help? I shall not elaborate on this. The fact that I can have this baby, it is by faith and God's help! I am going to declare this loud:
"I AM NOT GOING TO CHURCH UNTIL MY BABY IS READY!" Haha, one little note, I find going to church at this point doesn't makes a difference cos I still have to take care of him throughout service, so might as well stay at home. at least I can get some rest when he is napping.
Alright, that's all I want to say. If you want to comment or give advices to me on parenting and church, think carefully first cos you might incurred my wrath... Grr...... I do take advices but only from those whom I trust and know that they are really concerned (luv you people!). FYI, I am a Diploma trained early childhood teacher (sounds very how lian right, but I don't care!), please get all your facts right before talking to me! And to all these 2 cents worth of advices, my reply is