I 've got a pleasant surprise this morning. As usual, I couldn't go church cos my DS did not sleep well. I went into DS's bedroom to greet him. I was entertaining him with a piggy puppet while waiting for his milk to heat up. He suddenly got so excited ..............................

and pulled himself up from the playpen mattress. Yes, he had learnt to stand up on his own at (look at clock in pic!) 9.31am today... well done son!

My DH is going to be very surprised too if he sees these pictures. Haha, i want to be the first to put these pictures up cos I just can't wait to share my joy with all of you. If you want to see more pictures of Joash standing, please wait for my DH to load them up on his blog.

Ok, got to go and attend service online at CHC now! See you..... *frown* cannot connect to media... sigh... got to keep trying again. Joash is crying, bye bye!

posted by "Sum" Teacher at 10/08/2006 10:55:00 AM |


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