We brought DS to a chinese massage therapist yesterday at Burlington Sq. It was interesting to discover that diferent acupoints in the body affects our health. The therapist was very gentle and patient. He did not massage for DS but instead he taught us how to massage for him. He was afraid that DS would have phobia of being massaged. Joash kept staring at him throughout the whole consultation. It was really funny cos no matter how the therapist play or touch him, he would not reciprocate with a smile. The therapist held DS's hand and to our amazement, he could tell that DS has digestion problem. He said his gall bladder and the liver areas are "blocked" and need to massaged certain points in the body to "unblocked" it. Actually I was giggling in my heart when I heard it cos it sounds so out of the world to me. So in spite of my doubts, we tried massaging him on those suggested areas, and hear this, DS GAVE A LOUD FART!. The therapist was so pleased and kept praising him. Wow, I was totally sold out to this therapy stuff after that.

He also held our hands and gave us a diagnosis of our health conditions. DH is healthy tho' he has a little digestion problem. As for me, he could tell that I had weak lungs due to childhood Bronchitis and skin problem. He could even tell me that I had a very bad fall on my bum bum before (he told me that it had not recovered completely!). My right chest area was also tight so he suggested some acupoints for me to massaged. I also have digestion problems as well. He said DS could have inherited his digestive problems from the both of us. In fact, DS seems to have more of my genes!

I must say this consultation was enlightening given that I usually don't believe in such acupoints stuff. Hmm.. now I am considering going for a massage to "unblock" all my acupoints (sounds like some kind of martial arts show!)
BTW, this massage therapy reminded me of Ps G cos he too enjoys helping us "rubbed" those points when any of us has flu or just feeling tired. Ya, how I missed him and his, haha "nonsense".
posted by "Sum" Teacher at 9/13/2006 10:37:00 AM |


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