DJ: Good Morning Singapore, thanks for tunning in to "Many Many Babies Station". Today, we have an interview with a SAHM. For those who do not know what's that mean, it is STAY AT HOME MUM. And yes we have here this morning Mrs Sharon Tan (not her real name) to help us find out why staying at home with baby can be more rewarding.

DJ: Hi Mrs Tan, so when did you quit your job and stay at home to take care of yr baby?

MT: Eh, abt a year ago.

DJ: And how old is yr baby now?

MT: 7 months.

DJ: Do you think it is more rewarding to be at home with him?

MT: Hmm...... (silence)...... Hmm..... yes lar! Depends on what rewards you are talking about?

DJ: It's seems to me that you are rather hesitant to answer my qns? I mean satisfaction and closeness with baby.

MT: Ya lar, have all that but sometimes taking care of baby full-time can be very stressful.

DJ: Mrs Tan, so you miss your old lifestyle before the baby comes?

MT: Who don't? You can go anywhere you like and can even go until late late also nobody bothers. Plus you don't have to wake up in the middle of the night to take care of baby.

DJ: So do you sometimes resent yr baby or maybe even hate him for that?

MT: No I don't but pls do not ask me this qns when I am angry with him. I can get real nasty!!

DJ: Ok let's go back to our topic today. Tell me what are the rewards then?

MT: He's so cute and when he smiles, sometimes you can forget abt all the stress. I mean sometimes only hor! Then when learn some new skill, you will be the first to see it. And if I am still working, maybe too tired after work to seriously spend time with him.

DJ: Ok so you planning to have another baby?

MT: No.

DJ: Why?

MT: Go see my blog and you will know.

DJ: Don't say so soon. You can never be so sure abt it.

MT: I say go see my blog!

DJ: Ai ya you never know.

MT: (punch!)...

DJ: Ouch! What's that for?

MT: (punch!)

DJ: ouch! ouch! ok ok I understand now. I will go see your blog now!

DJ: ok, we would like to thanks Mrs Tan for sharing with us the rewards of being a SAHM. Thank you Mrs Tan and may you enjoy this phase of yr life. And who knows, you may have another baby in the future!

MT: (punch.... kick.... slap..... slap some more). You stupid or what! Cannot understand is it? (kick some more!)

DJ: You kick my ....... (silence & in agony)......

MT: ok those listening to this "Many many babies station"(thinking... stupid name for a station!), pls remember never ask me this qns again! yes being a SAHM is still rewarding and I am happy, really. Now, where's that dumb DJ!!!!!
posted by "Sum" Teacher at 9/08/2006 09:16:00 AM |


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