FINALLY! DS's fever has subsided. What a week! He broke out in viral rash (just as my PD had said) and his fever went down. There is only one problem right now... sigh...his renal and groin areas are inflamed! He cries everytime he urine! Both of us were so afraid to change him. Can you imagine, it takes two of us to change one diaper! And last night we had to carried him for 3 hrs cos he cried non-stop. We were so drained. This incident reminded us of the time when he was born and we had to carried him for 3 hrs every night for 3 whole months! We will bring him to the PD om Monday if his groin is still swollen and inflamed. He is so poor thing! Heart so pain whenI see him suffering him like this!

A big thank you to those people who prayed for us and Joash. Your love for us is deeply appreciated. Ale & Meng, thanks for making it easier for me by sharing your experiences and even offering help when I nearly gone mad. Love you both!

Ok, we have decided to hibernate (Bi Guan Xiu Lian) for the whole of September. Yes, not going out , including church cos need to build his body up before exposing him to the crowd again. This time, we will scan everyone who wants to carry him or go near to him, just to make sure they are not sick! Yes, yes, yes... we are paranoid. How not to be when we had such a hard time this week. It's totally insane. Cannot imagine how those parents with more then one child go thru' such stuff! It is confirmed... JOASH WILL BE OUR ONLY SON! Please don't tell us: "you never know!" or "don't be so sure!" Cos we are VERY sure about it.

And to end this post, I want to thank God for healing Joash and tolerating my nonsense (phew, I thought he would zap me with lightning!). "Lord Jesus, please continue to keep Joash healthy and please heal the inflamed areas too. Thank you for loving and forgiving me in spite of my faithlessness and complaints. You are Jehovah Shalom, my peace."
posted by "Sum" Teacher at 9/02/2006 09:59:00 PM |


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