Good News & Not So Good News
Brought DS to the PD today. Found out that he was actually having Roselo, fake measles. PD said that DS will be immuned to this virus when he recovered. As for his groin, we got to air it and apply Desitin cream liberally (that was what she said). He also ate 2 1/2 teaspoons of cereal today (Yeah!). I am less stress now. So these are the good news.

Now for the not so good news, DS lost a lot of weight. About 600 gms (this is a lot for a baby!). He was 7.56 kg last Wed. And today, he weighs 6.9 kg (me so sad!). I will "pump" him with lots of carbos when he recovers. Yes, potato for all meals... potato with broccoli, potato with fish, potato with pumpkin, potato with spinach... and the list goes on.
Joash darling, mummy miss your chubby cheeks and "lotus roots" limbs!
posted by "Sum" Teacher at 9/04/2006 07:10:00 PM |


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