Gillian came this morning and bought wanton mee with extra wantons for my lunch. So sweet of her. Yes, as usual, she is mesmerised by my DS. She stayed till 5 plus and was a great help to us. I even had time to make 2 boxes of potato salad! She just loves playing with Joash. We had a good time chatting and oops... gossiping (thou shall not gossip!!!) about people around us. She mentioned that she wants to find a guy that loves kids so that she can bring Joash out on her dates... hmm... poor guy! So whoever is interested in her, please make sure you like kids especially my son, hee hee. I think any guy who marries her is very blessed. She can cook, bake, do housework, make crafts, loves kids, independent, patient ... etc. Oh ya, we talked a lot about men today! So Juicy! Pray that she will really find the right guy who will love her and not take her for granted. Gillian all the best in your search for Mr. Right, remember not Mr. Always Right har!

The next person who visited us today and brought mooncakes from Goodwood Park Hotel (actually he delivers them on behalf of Aunty Leow) is none other then my.....


I love my papa and I know he loves me too! He played with Joash for a little while and went off to my brother's place to deliver the mooncakes.

So this is how I spent my Friday... right now waiting for for DH to come back with dinner (10pm, *frown*) after prayer meeting.

posted by "Sum" Teacher at 9/29/2006 09:38:00 PM |


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