First Visit to a Chinese Sinseh

We brought DS to see a chinese sinseh today. This is the first time I see a christian Chinese sinseh. And his clinic is just opposite Raffles Hospital, where DS was born. I am desperate to get help for DS farting & burping problems cos DH & I getting tired from waking up in the middle of the night (a few times) to carry him just to burp and fart!!!! And he also cry a lot, a lot when woken up to do all these nonsense.

Ok about this fellow, he is a gentle, patient, fat, short & oily haired sinseh. He was recommended by a friend. Heard that he can cure lupus, gastro problems, autism.... many many sickness lar! But his clinic, ai yo, so tiny & "log kok", haha, he is the receptionist, physician & cashier all at the same time! And I am sure he is not poor, judging by the number of patients he has and can only see him by appointments.

He "Ba Mai" for DS and check his spine. I seriously do not know how he can tell what's wrong with DS by just doing all these. Plus, DS's wrist is so tiny! He said DS is healthy but a bit of wheezing due to milk intolerant (I am happy to hear that he is healthy !) and that some babies just will experience all these problems ( I am not happy to hear thaat!) cos their digestive system not "expanded" so just put a warm cloth over his tummy to 'expand "it! So in the end, no help for us. I thought DS will be completely fine tonight after seeing him. Well I am expecting too much! So I must grit my teeth and bear with it until don't know when........sigh.

SInce I am there, I also asked him about my eczema that seems to be gettting worse. He told me that he noticed it when he saw me. He said it's the aftermath of childbirth! But he can only help me after I stop breast feeding cos herbs can pass thru' milk to DS. That's means i have to wait for another 1 year... ai yo, suffering man, cannot wear sexy clothing!

Ok that's all for tonight, got to run to DS when he cries, fart or burp! Grrrrrrrrrr.....................................
posted by "Sum" Teacher at 9/18/2006 09:44:00 PM |


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