It's been 9 months 21 days since I became a mum. I have a learnt a lot in just these few months. One thing I have discovered is that women really changed when they become mummies! I mean they REALLY changed! Look at me and you will know and I am not just talking about the physical! So what have we become....... well, I am going to list down 5 different types of mamas you find in Singapore nowadays..... and if you find the description familiar you know I am talking about you (and me too!).


1. Paranoid Mama
This is the mama that worries most of the time. She sees dangers lurking everywhere, from sharp corners to virus-filled humans..... nothing escapes her eyes! She is always hovering around her baby for fear she might hurt herself.... she wish she could just wrap her baby in a space suit all the time. She don't even mind offending people just to protect her precious and delicate baby.

2. Insecure Mama
Whatever other mamas have, she also must have. Wherever other mamas bring their babies, she also must go. She is always looking out for what others are doing and will follow exactly what they do. She loves reading the magazines and watching shows about bringing up kids so that she will not miss out on anything new in the parenting arena. She is basically insecure. She needs to feel and look good all the time. It is so tiring to be this mama.

3. "Scare other babies do better then your baby" Mama
This mama will always go around asking people if their babies can do this or that. And if someone's baby is doing better than hers, she will try to push her baby to do the same thing or even more. She is always comparing or worse still looking out for babies that appear to be slower than hers so that her little precious one will be the best of all. She is never satisfied and need to do what everyone is doing so that she can keep up with them. In short, she just doesn't want to lose out! Honestly, this is the type I cannot stand. They really get on my nerves. Hope I will never become like this mama!

4. Super Mama
Super mama's motto is "WE MUST BALANCE WORK AND FAMILY LIFE!" They strive hard at work (I am not talking about those that work from home.) and push themselves to be always there for their family. Sometimes, they left little time for themselves. To me, I find this almost impossible if you are not rich and without help from anyone..... you will need a maid to do the housework, a tutor to teach the kids plus a parent to watch the maid so she don't torture your kids, or maybe a mistress to please the husband (ok ok, put down the stone, I am just kidding about the mistress..... heeee!

5. " Love you lot lot" Mama
This mama loves her baby to bits. Her conversations revolves around her baby. She never (don't bluff!) says a single negative word to her dear baby. You will always see her kissing and hugging the precious little thing. Sometimes, you thought you saw a halo above her head...... no one can take her attention away from the baby.....btw the way, her baby is 20 years old........ and like what everyone says, you will treat your child as a child no matter how old she is! You can always count on her to be there for her baby all the time.

So which mama am I? I think I am Mama No. 1, the paranoid type.... haha. I think most people should know by now. Yup, stand a mile away if you are sick, I don't care if you hate me! FYI, I still love you, I just hate your germs.... I am not talking about you, Kuen..... don't be hurt ok!

To all the Mamas out there....... No matter what you become........ just don't be so irritating until no one wants to be around you. Be what you want your baby to become. We are their first teachers....... set good examples for them but even when you make some mistakes along the way, forgive yourselves and move on. And yes, cheers to Mamahood!
posted by "Sum" Teacher at 11/16/2006 10:57:00 PM |


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