Like my new blog me ya? This post is dedicated to my new "love" of the moment...... yes all things cute and miniature! I have not been updating cos my son and I were down with flu and cough for the last 2 weeks and I am soooooooooooooo tired from taking care of him and myself.

Ok, let me introduce my new hobby...........

These dough models that I created while playing with Jo sparked off my interest....... Cute? Can you tell that they are cakes?
Now for the new love.... Re-ment miniatures. Initially, I wanted to start with one box but realised that it was much cheaper if I bought the whole 10 sets so I got the Rainbow Deli series from Taka which I've been coveting for a long time...... they are super adorable and "real"! Here's the pics of my first collection .... dear, more to come ya, and oh, a showcase to put my little treasures will be nice too... hehe! (The pics are taken without flash so they appeared a little dark.)

Meatloaf/Hamburgers & Minestrone Soup

Berry Patch Yogurt & Avocado Salad

Casserole & Pot Pie

Fries/Hash brown & Spaghetti

Pumpkin Gratin & Pumpkin Pudding.... and not forgetting my little Pumpkin too!
Cheese Croquettes..... I think Jo looks so deliciously model-like in this pic!
Recommended Desserts
Golden Chicken and Popcorn Shrimps

Bagels and Cream Cheese.... this set made me the saddest cos I realised that I had thrown 2 tiny spread knives away hoo.... *tears*!
Btw, all sets comes with it's own special card and menu. Re-ment boxes are not marked in some places so you have to risk buying replicas if you're not getting the whole set. If you're interested to know more, these are the websites to view the minis:
And "NO" I am not advertising for them but I do wish that they would give me some free minis if they ever see this post...... fat hope I know! That's all for now. will update on the next post with tons of my beautiful pictures of real food and people...keke........ will be meeting Rachel and the gang for dinner in the evening so got to start preparing now.... sayonara!
posted by "Sum" Teacher at 11/29/2008 03:40:00 PM | 0 comments |
Jo was sick this week and I had lots of sleepless nights. His fever has subsided and hopefully, he will stop coughing soon. Can't really update much this week cos I am feeling too tired to think or type. Ok, here's another pic to make Tom happy (he complained I chose a very ugly pic of him on my previous post!).

"Dear, this time I put your handsome pic on Time Magazine...... you happy a not...kekeke!"

posted by "Sum" Teacher at 11/19/2008 04:03:00 PM | 0 comments |
My DH was rather amused by the pics that Beary put on Facebook. So I decided to amuse him further....... presenting the Coverboy of Vogue...................

Image Hosted by

Dear...... don't kill me ok!
posted by "Sum" Teacher at 11/12/2008 05:10:00 PM | 0 comments |
I just love these cute little things.... I want them all..... yes, a new hobby, a new collection........ is coming my way..... and plenty of burnt pockets for Tommy too. Will update on my new love soon!
posted by "Sum" Teacher at 11/11/2008 12:39:00 PM | 0 comments |
My dear Niece Rebecca tagged me to answer these questions. So here goes.....

1) Do you have secrets?

2) Would you fall love with a boy younger than you?
Yes, I am deeply in love with my son...haha!

3)Do you enjoy going to school?
Hmm..... yup but minus the exams and tests!

4)What is your current dream job?
Dream job??? A job that allows me to do what I like with dream pay! Honestly, I prefer no job with dream pay....yes, $$$$$$$ drop from the sky will be good!

5) Will you fall in love with your best friend?
Depends on what type of love you're talking about.... my BF is a female and I am not heterosexual!

6)Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
I have answered this question so many times. Of course loving and being loved by someone is the best but if I have to choose, that would be, being loved by someone! I am that ego...keke..... too tiring to love someone who doesn't love you! I believe in "I loved because He first love me!".

7)Will you forgive the person who will play around with your feelings?
I won't allow myself to be played around. Trust me, once I notice that I am being "played around", I will plot a "little revenge" as a punishment for him and turn the table around....muahahahahahah.... I am capable of that! After that I will forgive and forget him forever and ever......

8) If the person you like knows that you like him/her, what would be your reactions if he/she says "yes"?
That would be "HALLELUJAH!" But exactly what did he say "yes" to?????

9)Is there anything that made you extremely happy?
Many things.... I get happy easily!

10) What takes you down the fastest?
Aeroplane????? Escalators, my legs????? Haha... ok, i know what you mean....hmm.... when someone I love is sick or dead.

11)How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
Using a mirror?? Hee, I am getting more and more corny. Alright, the answer would be older!

12) Who is currently the most important people to you?
My hb and son.

13) What is/are the most important thing(s) in life?
a) My salvation
b) My family
c) Heath
d) Wealth

14)Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
Single and rich and in great health! Married but poor is a quite scary esp if you have kids!

15)What's you favourite colour?

16) Would you give your all in a relationship?
Not married = not all, once married = no choice but all!

17)If you fall in love with 2 persons simultaneously, who would you pick?
The one who loves me too. If both love me, I will pick the richer one.

18)Will you confess to the person you like or love?

19) Tagged 5 persons whom you think should do this quiz.
Troublesome..... Just do this if you want to after reading.
posted by "Sum" Teacher at 11/10/2008 04:13:00 PM | 0 comments |
My neck is aching, my eyes bags are growing and my face is bombarded with pimples! These are sure signs of sleep deprivation!!! Ever since we got Jo a new bed, he had been waking up every night to look for me and insisted that I sleep in his room. Think my neck ache is from sleeping on flat mattress for long hours.... ok, I know I am spoilt but I miss my bed!

Tom is on reservist till 11 November and I had to attend to Joash all by myself. Really tiring *~*....... but I am happy that Tom can book out every evening. At least I can have some rest...... not really actually, Jo wants me most of the time! So glad that this is his last reservist....yeah!

Read about a Childcare teacher who punished a 4 year old kid with chili padi for attempting to throw a block at another kid yesterday. This teacher was apparently suffering from depression... preggy and with 3 children. She should have get help from other teachers instead of taking matters into her own hands. I can almost say her career in early childhood ended the moment she did that...... all that studying is going down the drain........ no one will employ her since her pics are all over the news and Internet..... gone la! The poor child also might suffer from some school and chili padi phobia. I was thinking if someone would to do that to my darling prince, I would surely take some of that chili padi and smear them all over her eyes and tie her up so she cannot wash it away and wished that every of her dreams be filled with chili padi running after her..... hee... I am that wicked! Honestly, this is one of the major reason (beside health and cleanliness) why I am not sending my boy to school yet. I have been a preschool teacher and had seen teachers using very negative words when scolding the kids. Some even resort to physically hitting the child. I remembered one of my K2 boys was given a slap on the face by another teacher in the BASC cos he was making too much noise and running around. When the mom complained to me, I was really frustrated. So glad that my Principal fired her on the spot! Trust me, I have seen (I am teaching enrichment classes now in some centres) countless non-speaking 2 years old being "abused" in childcare centres...... left in a dark classroom, locked up in a cupboard, pinched and being pushed around......etc...... grrrrrrr.... the worst part is that they can't speak up for themselves. That's the reason why I never want to work in a Childcare centre....too stressful!

On to happy things...... we're going for a short trip in JB from 5th to 7th Dec....... looking forward to to the nice brekkie, cheap seafood, beautiful nails and of course shopping too!

Oh, I had a pregnancy scare this week cos I felt puky and sleepy. And to add on to my anxieties, I had cravings for Chong Pang Bak Chor Mee! But all was well when my "aunty" visited me this morning...... keke..... what a relief!

Feeling hungry now...... need my Bak Chor Mee fix badly........... the chili.... the extra vinegar, the garlic..... the mee.... the minced pork..... the liver........ the mushrooms.......... the, the, the..... THE END.

*Realised that I forgotten to add this in..... for remberance of this historical moment..... CONGRATS MR PRESIDENT OBAMA!
posted by "Sum" Teacher at 11/05/2008 10:56:00 PM | 2 comments |
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