Happy New Year! Ok, I know I am a little late but it's the thoughts that count ya?? Just let me update a bit.....

Met up with my Secondary School friends last Tuesday. We have known each other for 18 years! It's amazing how we managed to keep in touch with each other (thks to Facebook!). We gathered with our family members at the newly wedded couple's place. I really do miss this group of people who have played such a big part during my most impressionable years....luv them!

We had dinner with the SS Club on New Year Eve at Jerry BBQ & Grill restaurant. I didn't really enjoy the meal cos it was so stuffy and the food was nothing to rave about. Think the Tiramisu and Spicy wings are the only 2 items that I really enjoyed. After dinner, it was back to our place for some count down.... actually more like just lazing around!

I am back to work today and just realized that I had take 6 classes this year! The centre didn't want to squeeze all the classes in a day so now, I am teaching on Thursday as well... maybe it's better cos it's less tiring but poor Tommy had to rush home early.

So what's my New Year Resolution.....hmm....... "2 seconds passed"....... none! I don't really believe in making resolutions cos I don't keep them anyway! "I don't know about tomorrow, I just live from day to day. I don't worry about the future, every cloud is silver lined....". Sometimes I wish I am more of a Thinker! A little recap on what I did in 2008.

1) I started working freelance.
2) I celebrated my 8 anniversary.
3) We celebrated Jo's 2nd birthday.
4) I had my first fracture on 3/3/08 (Mich's birthday).
5) Celebrated my 31st birthday.
6) Took a few months to consider if we want a car or another baby.
7) Jo had his worst case of fever - 40 degrees.
8) Undergo Homeopathy treatment for my ezcema and am glad I did.
9) Met up with old friends and made some new ones too.
10) Attend a new church and Jo started his first Sunday School.
11) First Christmas with Tom's family
12) First time being a "confinement lady" for SIL.
13) Sis had her first BF.
14) Had my hair cut and rebonded in JB for the first time.
15) Became a Thomas' fan with my son (reluctantly!)
16) Joined Facebook.
17) Visited Barn's niche and "celebrated" his 5th birthday.
18) Made Bentos for Tommy.
19) Watched more movies than I did before I had Jo..... keke.... thanks to Tommy!
20) Taking public transport with Jo on my own.

That's about all that I can remember. Going to upload some pics on Barn's blog now so let me end this post with a picture of a bowl of Hot Stone Rice from Northpoint...... really delicious!Can you see the hot steam??

posted by "Sum" Teacher at 1/06/2009 11:29:00 PM |


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