Yeah, time to update my blog. Let me start with some complaints...... Jo has been really trying these days. His temper tantrums are horrifying, not to mention deafening too! Btw, he threw one just an hour ago.............grrrrrrr........ My patience is wearing off! He is also not in the best of health with his constant coughing for the last 2 days. I need a break........ yes, retail therapy will be great! Ok....on to something else......

Dear XY and ZY came over to our place to collect their Flyer voucher. ZY was exhausted and fell deeply asleep so we decided to entertain ourselves at his expense....muahahahaha! Here's what happen... Jo was one of the culprits too.

We spotted some interesting sights on our way to church.......... see if you can figure out why I say it was interesting. I liked the water filled cross we saw on a patch of grass....... a great reminder to fix our eyes on Jesus. A good start on a Sunday morning.

Ps. Edmond Wong (I am not sure if he's pastor.) preached about finishing well. I liked his corny jokes which ranged from "undying love" to "dieting"....... had us laughing. Jo was excited about Sunday school and kept asking us to bring him there. Lunch was on the church again and we managed to meet some new people during lunch too. I am looking forward to attending CG.

After attending a baby's first month celebration on that afternoon, we went orchard to have dinner with Gil and friends. It was my first and probably last time eating at Thai express altho' we only had prawn toasts. But I tried some of Gil's and Ken's food and found it not to my expectation of Thai cuisine. Danny the Home Econs teacher with cute dimples was quite funny and easy going to chat with. Maybe we should really organised a Potluck party for singles....well. I can provide some of the "singles"!

I prepared my first Alfredo Sauce pasta from scratch on Monday and the result was fantastic! Tom luv it.... me too! I am so glad to succeed on my first try. But the cream was rather expensive so will try replacing the cream with evaporated milk the next time.

Darling Regina came over to our place to seek "refuge" for the last 2 days and I will be seeing her almost everyday till the 18th. This girl is such a funny and jovial girl. Felt younger with her around too! I promised to cooked for her and these were what I prepared for our 2 lunches.

Day 1: Unagi Rice Bowl

Reg brought a pack of Shiseido black mask for us to use while Jo napped. I looked so horrid in my shower cap and ugly PJ! This mask was very hard and painful to remove after it dried up but was excellent in removing blackheads plus it's cheap, $1 only. The amount was enough for 2 of us. Wanted to get some but was OOS.

We were supposed to have dinner at my place with Danny and Suling. Suling was sick that day and Danny had a long meeting till 10 plus. But we bought food enough for 5. We had a super full and carbo-filled dinner!
I cooked porridge with some assorted finger food on the 2nd day. That bowl of super black porridge belonged to Reg cos she added loads of dark soya sauce! I was so glad to see Jo eating the porridge too... happier than winning lottery!

We had dinner at PS with Reg's friend at Carls Jnr. Did some window shopping and found cute buttons and nice hats at Spotlight.

These are the 2 bentos I prepared for Tom last week.

This was my first attempt in making Onigiri. They were soft and nice to snack on when fresh but turned really hard after putting them in the fridge. Poor Tom had to eat them for his lunch!

Made some Ham and Crab sticks salad and Sotong Balls to go with the onigiri too.

Spoke to my Homeopath about our plan of having another kid and she assured us that she had medicine to prevent all the pregnancy risks........ hmmm........ so should we try........ at least not now....... I hope I will be chosen for the Xndo challenge..... need to slim down before planning to try again. Honestly, I lost some sleep just thinking of all the risks I had to face........ yup, I need the the courage and strength to face my giants!

I am going to watched my Taiwan drama on Youtube now......nite!

posted by "Sum" Teacher at 9/05/2008 10:20:00 PM |


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