Watched the repeat telecast of the Sichuan Earthquake Charity show today. It was heart wrenching to see so many lives lost in this earthquake, especially the kids. I couldn't stop crying when Xuan Yi Feng, the compere shared about a mom who protected her two months old baby with her body. This mom left a sms on her hp to her daughter before she died.......... here's the video from Youtube..........

As a mom who has lost a child, I can almost feel the pain that they are going thru' now. I know how it is to watch your child dying in front of you and yet, you can't do anything..............some don't even have a chance to say goodbye..... I remembered that when Barn passed away, we were not there to bid our last farewell. But I know I will see him in heaven one day and tell him that I love him and we were glad to have him as our son.

Back to the charity show, JJ wrote a song within 2 days for the victims of this earthquake and it really touches my heart.

愛與希望 (Love and Hope)曲﹕林俊傑 詞﹕王雅君

大地被搖晃著 天空突然黑了
我的心也被震碎了 下一秒瓦解了 淚堆積成了河

但明天是好的 我們要堅定著
愛~讓我們不放棄活著 還要繼續和大自然拔河

當愛與希望 投射炙熱的太陽 ***
昨日淚光 會隨時間都蒸發
別輕易放棄 明天要許更多願望

當愛與希望 倒映暖暖的月亮
再回頭望 又是築好的家鄉
我打開了窗 看見了晴朗

This is a video of him in Sichuan singing at their charity show

Another video of of the Charity show in Singapore with him singing a duet with another guy.

"Lord, my heart pains for them, esp the moms and kids.......... I really wonder why did this happen? Lord we can only continue to trust that You knows best and You're the same today, tomorrow & forver. Give them strength to carry on, give them hope to hold on and give them love to live on."
posted by "Sum" Teacher at 6/01/2008 11:59:00 PM |


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